By Batseba Seifu The scars of the genocidal war in Tigray are deep and enduring. After two years of devastating genocidal war, the region finds itself navigating...
By Batseba Seifu Reflecting on the passage of time since the signing of the Pretoria Peace Agreement, Tigray finds itself entrenched in a somber reality. What...
The Englisg version of “Tsinta” megazine of the Commission of Inquiry on Tigray Genocide covers the following topics. Message from the Commissioner About Commission of Inquiry...
By Teklehaymanot Weldemichael and Meron Gebreananaye Last week marked the first anniversary of the signing of the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement between the Ethiopian government and the...
By Donek Tesfaye Zemo Many political observers have been commenting on the dwindling activism of the Tigrayan diaspora after the Pretoria Cessation of Hostilities Agreement. Indeed, it...
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