The Tigray War demands accountability, not only to address past violations but also to prevent a relapse into further war. Developments following the Pretoria Agreement clearly...
Gidey Belay Assefa One of the most devastating impacts of the War on Tigray has been the destruction of Tigray’s legal system. The courts, which were...
By: Negasi Awetehey 1. Do Not Make the Indisputable Disputable Amhara´s expansionists have claimed that “Tigray annexed lands from Amhara.” This invalid, unconstitutional and politically motivated...
The war in Tigray, which started in early November 2020 and which has been going on for close to 30 months, has rightly been described as...
By Duke Burbridge The last week of food distribution on record in Tigray confirms that the region has finally experienced the kind of surge in food...
The United State’s Secretary of State Antony Blinken was on a state visit to Ethiopia this week in what Molly Phee, Assistant Secretary of State for...
[Author’s note: Please Tegaru, register for this survey to help the world understand what has happened in Tigray. It is so important to support research on...
By Negasi Awetehey Eritrean forces have recently destroyed hundreds of houses in the villages of Mariam Shewito, Inda Aba Gerima, Gendebta, and Debre Genet. The massacre...
By Fitsum Gebre (PhD) Acemoglu and Robison’s 2012 book ‘Why Nations Fail?’ indicated that poor countries fail because these countries have been ‘ruled by a narrow...
At the opening of the 52nd session of the Human Rights Council this week, the UN’s Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said: Human rights are not a luxury...
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