More than two months since the pause of humanitarian aid for Tigray by JEOP, WFP and USAID, death reports received, corridors to Tigray still not secure, only 18% of needed fertilizers, 12% of needed seeds met, diseas spreading, 29.1% of screened children found to be wasted, 73.4 % of women screened found acutely malnourished.
Some Points from the ypdate
Food Cluster situational update as of 29 June, 2023
- It has been more than two months since the main food partners, namely JEOP, WFP and their partners, temporarily paused food assistance activities in Tigray until further notice on 21 April
- Working towards resuming food aid remains the top priority for all partners.
- RDRMC continues receiving unconfirmed death reports from local authorities. Joint verification led by health professionals is needed to support evidence-based advocacy.
- While the humanitarian space has improved in Tigray, during the targeting exercise, food partners continue facing challenges in accessing some kebeles in Erob (Eastern), Zala Anbesa town (Eastern), Gulo Mekeda (Eastern) and Egela (Central).
Cargo Movement to Tigray – Status of corridors
- Gondar Corridor
- One partner reported that due to security concerns, no trucks would be sent through the Gondar corridor for the time being.
- Kombolcha corridor
- Three partners reported 5 truck arrivals to Tigray via Kombolcha between 16 and 29 June.
- Semera corridor
- Between 16 June and 29 June, eight partners reported the arrival of 18 trucks via Semera.
- Only 1,602 schools resumed schooling, this is 64.9%
- 552 schools are in an inaccessible woredas
- 110 schools are hosting IDPs and other groups
- 204 Schools are either fully damaged or are in the borders with Eritrea and Amhara
Agriculture Cluster Update
- Agricultural cluster is quite below the planned target for distribution of inputs
- Needed:
- Seeds 36,900MT, Fertilizers >80,000MT, agro-chemicals >228,750 Liters and 12,200kg
- Only fertilizers-18% , Seeds- 12% given
- The livestock disease including zoonotic are still at peak
- Infestation of pests, worms and plant diseases may be challenge as there is no adequate preventing materials and inputs
- Critical shortage of Agrochemicals, Sprayers, budget (fuel, DSA, training) and Personal protective equipment
- There is high risk of DL infestation, it is seen in neighbouring region of Afar
Nutrition Cluster Update
- Week 23 & 24 – 2023:-
- In the last two weeks
- Children under 5 Screened: 114457 (52336 girls and 61231boys)
- Of the children screened 29.1 % were wasted.
- PLW screened: 21505 and 73.4 % of these women were acutely malnourished.
- A total of 1313 SAM children were admitted for treatment (1161 children were admitted to Outpatient care and 151 were admitted to Inpatient care. )
Health Cluster

- Malaria; increased by 16% in week 25, from week 24