Gospel of Luke 6:45 “for out of the full store of the heart come the words of the mouth.”
ኣፍ ካብ ምልኣት ልቢ እዩ ዚዛረብ እሞ፡ እቲ ሕያዋይ ሰብ ካብቲ ጽቡቕ መዝገብ ልቡ ጽቡቕ የውጽእ። እቲ ኽፉእ ድማ ካብቲ ኽፉእ መዝገብ ልቡ ኽፉእ እዩ ዜውጽእ።
ወእኩይሰ ፡ ብእሲ ፡ እመእኩይ ፡ መዝገበ ፡ ልቡ ፡ ያወፅኣ ፡ ለእኪት ፡ እስመ ፡ እምተረፈ ፡ ልብ ፡ ይነብብ ፡ አፍ ።
All those verbal agressions and press release made by Amhara elites and their military trumpet or klaxon(i.e ESAT, Amhara mass media, Zehabesha, Yosef yitna ,Abel birhanu , tolosa ibsa, etc ) are emanated from the profane heart and if they dare to incite their own people against Tegaru , you could imagine what these mentalities of warlike by nature could do behind the scene and commit under the counter.
You could also watch the virtual discussion among ESAT media members held on 27Nov2020. In this discussion, one said we cannot stop our struggle against weyane until we make sure we wipe out weyane. We will not stop even if the western countries impose sanctions that could lead economic pressure and starvation. We prefer to starve than stoping the war and letting weyane to exist or revive as usual, told one to those who take part in this disscussion.
They kept on saying and strived to relate the current situation with massacre perpetrated in Sudan . As in the case of Sudan, the world could only bother and talk against us for short period of time and they will stop. Hence, we shouldnot bother about what the western countries or EU could do against us , but we should keep on destroying and dismantling weyane.
You need to take into account the fact that the discussion was on NOv 27 and this shows that they were determined to go further with their evil motives and cause enormous damage against our people and our sacred land, Tigray.Besides, they were well-prepared for it taking ample time as it requires them. Since they are gonna struggle with renowned heros , and they donot took the possession of Drones in a single night or abruptly just like some who took a stick or club from the bush. It is easy to deduce that all the ongoing atrocities and military machines are brought after a prolonged transaction and premeditated pretexts fabricated to conceal their crime. It is clear for everyone the fact that criminals invent stories to defend themselves before and after their crime.
EOTC can’t lead Tigray anymore and they ahve stolen our resources and history for centuries. Geez Is Tigrian Language and they adopted christianity via Tigray and we have a Holy Bibe believed to be the oldest illuminated Christian manuscripts in the world which is found in enda Abba Gerima, Tigray.
Tigray -land of wonders & an open-air museum
June 19, 2021 at 1:54 pm
Gospel of Luke 6:45 “for out of the full store of the heart come the words of the mouth.”
ኣፍ ካብ ምልኣት ልቢ እዩ ዚዛረብ እሞ፡ እቲ ሕያዋይ ሰብ ካብቲ ጽቡቕ መዝገብ ልቡ ጽቡቕ የውጽእ። እቲ ኽፉእ ድማ ካብቲ ኽፉእ መዝገብ ልቡ ኽፉእ እዩ ዜውጽእ።
ወእኩይሰ ፡ ብእሲ ፡ እመእኩይ ፡ መዝገበ ፡ ልቡ ፡ ያወፅኣ ፡ ለእኪት ፡ እስመ ፡ እምተረፈ ፡ ልብ ፡ ይነብብ ፡ አፍ ።
All those verbal agressions and press release made by Amhara elites and their military trumpet or klaxon(i.e ESAT, Amhara mass media, Zehabesha, Yosef yitna ,Abel birhanu , tolosa ibsa, etc ) are emanated from the profane heart and if they dare to incite their own people against Tegaru , you could imagine what these mentalities of warlike by nature could do behind the scene and commit under the counter.
At this juncture, We Tegarus need to put our heads together and thwart the overall strategy of enemies including their psychological warfare conducted nonstop.
ESAT is a war bugle of Amhara elites
June 19, 2021 at 10:49 am
You could also watch the virtual discussion among ESAT media members held on 27Nov2020. In this discussion, one said we cannot stop our struggle against weyane until we make sure we wipe out weyane. We will not stop even if the western countries impose sanctions that could lead economic pressure and starvation. We prefer to starve than stoping the war and letting weyane to exist or revive as usual, told one to those who take part in this disscussion.
They kept on saying and strived to relate the current situation with massacre perpetrated in Sudan . As in the case of Sudan, the world could only bother and talk against us for short period of time and they will stop. Hence, we shouldnot bother about what the western countries or EU could do against us , but we should keep on destroying and dismantling weyane.
You need to take into account the fact that the discussion was on NOv 27 and this shows that they were determined to go further with their evil motives and cause enormous damage against our people and our sacred land, Tigray.Besides, they were well-prepared for it taking ample time as it requires them. Since they are gonna struggle with renowned heros , and they donot took the possession of Drones in a single night or abruptly just like some who took a stick or club from the bush. It is easy to deduce that all the ongoing atrocities and military machines are brought after a prolonged transaction and premeditated pretexts fabricated to conceal their crime. It is clear for everyone the fact that criminals invent stories to defend themselves before and after their crime.
ከጥሻ ና ከጫካ እንጨት በጥሶና አርጩሜ አዘጋጅቶ እንደሚጣላ ጎልማሳ ሳይሆን ለረጅም ጊዜያት ታስቦበትና ተዶልቶ ፥ቢያንስ ከ አንድ አመት በላይ ታቅዶበት የተገዛ ድሮን ስለመሆኑ ጥርጥር የለውም፥፥በድንገት በሰሜን ዕዝ ላይ ተኩስ ስለተሰማ ከምስራቅና ምዕራብ ሰሜንና ደቡብ የነበረን ሠራዊት ተነስ ተብሎ የከተተ አይደለም፥
ኢሳት ከዘጠና ሰባት ጀምሮ ተጋሩ ጠል ቅስቀሳ ሲያሰራጭ የነበረ ጦር አውርድ የአመፅ አውታር ነው፥፥
ንፁሃን ወገኖቻችን የጨፈጨፉና ቁሳዊና ስነልቦናዊ ድጋፍ ያደረጉ ሁሉ የኦርቶዶክስ ቤተክርስቲያን መሪዎች ጨምሮ ለፍርድ ይቅረቡልን፥፥ብጣዕሚ ዝገረመኒ ካኣ አብደገ ዘለው ደገፍት ወያኔ ብኢንተርፖል ትድለዩ ኢኹም እናበሉ ከፈራርሁና ይፍትኑ አለው፥፥ንኦም ተቀቢሉ አሚኑ ዝንቀሳቀስ ተሊዩ አነ ብዉልቀይ ባዕሉ ናይ ኢንተርፖል ሰራህተኛ ናህዝብና ሕልቂት ዝድግፍ ሌባ እዩ ዝኸውን፤፥አቤል ብርሃኑ ዝበሃል ናይ ዩቱዩብ ነጋዳይ ንሱ እዩ ንዚ ሀሶት ዘመሐላልፍ፥
EOTC can’t lead Tigray anymore and they ahve stolen our resources and history for centuries. Geez Is Tigrian Language and they adopted christianity via Tigray and we have a Holy Bibe believed to be the oldest illuminated Christian manuscripts in the world which is found in enda Abba Gerima, Tigray.
https://orthochristian.com/ the artile is entitled “ethiopian bible is oldest and most complete on earth